Labrador Stud Dogs Sydney
Meet Lacote Studs
Lacote Labradors is dedicated to breeding Labradors from strong genetic bloodlines. Our stud dogs are bred with an emphasis on type, temperament and soundness. To see a full profile of a stud dog simply click below.

© 2008 Alexander-GG
Chablais Pierre – Import Canada
Pierre has been one of the best producers in our kennel, imported from the highly respected Chablais Labrador kennel from Quebec Canada. Pierre Has been the bedrock for type and temperament in our breeding program for the past decade.
Lacote Bilbo Baggins (ai)
This magnificent young stud dog introduces brand new imported bloodlines from the USA through his sire- CH LorettaLabs Essence of Cocoa and through his gorgeous mother Lacote Burgundy’s Pick. We eagerly wait for Bilbo and his brother Frodo full maturity.
CH: Play the Fool Bella Mare – Import Poland
This magnificent young stud dog, imported from Poland, brings a completely brand new bloodline to Australia allowing for additional genetic strength through out cross vigor in his puppies pedigree. Folly is a mid sized male with an intelligent disposition, soft nature and brimming with confidence.
Croftsway Viva Las Vegas – Imported NZ
Chablais Henry – import Canada
Henry is our latest import from the influential Canadian kennel, Chablais and is proudly co-owned with our good friends, Croftsway Labradors. Henry has so much to offer the breed in this country with a mixture of strong hybrid vigour and super clearances all round.
Lacote Alberto
This beautiful young stud is a continuation of our magnificent Chablais Pierre who has been one of the most influential chocolates in Australia over the past decade since his importation from Quebec Canada. We are eagerly looking forward to his maturity in 2020!
Lacote Frodo Baggins (ai)
This magnificent young stud dog introduces brand new imported bloodlines from the USA through his sire- CH LorettaLabs Essence of Cocoa and through his gorgeous mother Lacote Burgundy’s Pick. We eagerly wait for Frodo and his brother Bilbo’s full maturity.
‘Dylan’ 2008 – 2019
Eagertrieve Downtown Brown
CAN.CH. & NZ.CH. Eagertrieves Downtown Brown, imported from Canada, Dylan has been entrusted to us by our good friends at Eagertrieve Labradors, Canada.
‘Johnny’ 2000 – 2013
Chablais John Kaffe
MBISS BIS Am, Can, Chn CH Chablais John Kaffe (imp Canada). The only Labrador of this colour to have been awarded the Best Of Breed at the LRC of The Potomac. John Kaffe went Best in Show over 77 American champions, and an entry of 1244 Labradors! One of most decorated chocolate Labrador of the modern era boasting a phenominal show record.
‘Johnny Jr’
Lacote Johnnys Pick
Son of Chablais John Kaffe, one of the most beautiful natured and typee Labrador to look at, this wonderful boy has an amazing pedigree and the looks to match it.
Lacote Old Cobblestone
An amazing looking black male with a matching pedigree !!